the most beautiful things in life are not things; they are people and places, memories and pictures. they are feelings and moments, smiles and laughter

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Congraduation, 14!

In less than 3 seconds, I'm going to bless your eyes with the all-pink themed event that was held back on last Saturday! (And nah, it's not a beauty class, neither was a birthday party or the bridal shower. It was us celebrating the graduation for our seniors since they have finished their study) ❤

The celebration was held in a restaurant on Pecenongan, and it's located on the highway so it's easy to be found. As you can see from the photos that I will post later on, our dress code for the event is Pink, since women dominated for like 10:1 hahaha (it's true, you'll see it just how 'many' guys were there). 

In case you were wondering, this celebration is meant for our Accounting assistants lecturers' seniors. It's a common ceremonial that is held every year by the juniors to honor the seniors who have successfully completed their study and is ready to embrace the work life, respectively. It's also an act of gratitude because they have patiently guided us from literally zero, until now. They taught us how to speak in front of a lot of people, to make people understand what we are saying, to become not only an 'assistant lecturer' but beyond it, and lastly they taught us how to properly teach someone else. It's a whole lotta lessons, and they deserve to be honored this way <:-D

Here's a glimplse of last Saturday's fun:
always having a good laugh with them
kak Nadhila!
two of the loveliest person everrr, kak Sasa & kak Atikah <3
 Last but not least, here's the fullteam snap of us. Once again, happy graduation Kakak & Abang! We will miss you guys sooo much and thank you for being such a figure for us to look up to.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Dialog Interaktif 2018

Nggak kerasa udah 3 tahun sejak pertama kali masuk jadi bagian dari BPHMJ-Akuntansi. Banyak hal yang udah berubah, tapi perubahan-perubahan itu pastinya membawa kebaikan. Banyak orang yang skeptis sama organisasi ini, banyak yang marah, banyak yang muak, but if they would only look closer, banyak hal juga yang bisa dipelajari. And I learned a lot from it.

Untuk pertama kalinya, gw belajar cara berinteraksi dengan orang lain secara formal, gw belajar jalur birokrasi kalo mau mengadakan suatu acara, gw belajar utk bertoleransi dan mengerti kalo perspektif dan pola pikir orang itu beda-beda, dan gw harus bisa menerima itu, gw belajar kalo setiap orang punya mimpi dan tujuannya masing-masing, tapi kadang idealisme individiu akan mimpi dan tujuan itu harus ngalah sama mimpi dan tujuan orang banyak, gw belajar tentang tanggung jawab dan rasa 'solidaritas'. Dulu mungkin kedengerannya konyol dan kayak ngerasa di-brainwash, tapi semakin lama gw bersyukur rasa kebersamaan itu nggak bener-bener hilang. Karena atas dasar kebersamaan itu, semua yang gw lakukan untuk organisasi ini rasanya ikhlas aja. 

Jadi, cukup dengan tulisan-tulisan melankolisnya, hari Minggu kemarin kita baru saja selesai mengadakan acara Dialog Interaktif di kampus F, Cempaka Putih; yg merupakan bentuk awal untuk pengkaderisasian. Di acara Dialog Interaktif ini, mahasiswa/i baru di kasih materi secara general tentang organisasi, bidang-bidang apa aja yang ada di dalamnya, acara-acara apa aja yang udah pernah kita buat, dan apa tujuan dari organisasi ini. Di akhir acara Dialog Interaktif, akan dikasih submission paper untuk mereka-mereka yang mau daftar, yang nantinya akan dilanjutkan dengan acara Diklat sebagai bentuk pendidikan dasar organisasi.
who run the world? girlsss ♫
2015 <3
di akhir acara, seperti biasa ada nyanyi-nyanyi bareng yang nantinya ditutup dgn pemberian emblem
We are all started off as strangers, with different background and perspectives surely. But here we are, after 3 years of all the ups-and-downs. Thru' every problems and every successful projects. I'm always thankful and beyond glad to be a part of you and never have I ever regret each and every seconds spent. I learned a lot, and for those lessons; thank you :-)

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