the most beautiful things in life are not things; they are people and places, memories and pictures. they are feelings and moments, smiles and laughter

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Rapat Kerja BPHMJ-Akuntansi 2018

Jadi, highlight dari minggu ini adalah: bantuin salah satu temen kuliah buat nge-design bisnis warung kopinya, nyobain ngajar semester pendek Praktikum Lab. SIA (berhubung gw nggak apply buat internship semester ini dikarenakan masih banyak kegiatan seputar asdos dan organisasi) dan Rapat Kerja FEB 2018! Yayyy super excited✨

Nah, jadi kegiatan yang menguras otak dan pikiran pada minggu adalah Raker alias Rapat Kerja (yang adalah pengalaman pertama gw), yaitu mempresentasikan program kerja / proker / acara yang rencananya akan gw bikin tahun ini; Visit Company and Audit Simulation 2018 di bawah naungan Bidang Pengkajian Ilmiah, karena gw dipercaya untuk jadi ketua pelaksananya. *crying in rainbow*

Rangkaian rapat kerjanya itu dimulai dari Rapat Kerja Internal, jadi gw mempresentasikan dulu nih di depan Himpunan; di depan angkatan 2015 dan angkatan 2016, dan auidence-nya bebas boleh mempertanyakan apa aja terkait sama proker gw termasuk tema, konsep, dan hal-hal lainnya. Beberapa hari kemudian barulah diadakan Pra-raker, giliran gw presentasi di depan Ketua Jurusan Akuntansi, Pak Nano, dan di depan parlemen yang fungsinya mengoreksi kalo ada kesalahan di proposal gw (entah itu struktur, standarisasi harga / format, dll) dan yang menentukan kira-kira pembagian DKM atau Dana Kegiatan Mahasiswa untuk setiap proker itu berapa proporsinya. Setelah itu, baru berakhir di Rapat Kerja FEB Universitas Trisakti yang diadakan di kampus F, Cempaka Putih. Kali ini gw harus presentasi di depan para Asisten Wakil Dekan a.k.a Aswadek beserta jurusan-jurusan lain. Dibanding jurusan2 lain yang masih ada di rumpun FEB, Akuntansi bisa dibilang adalah jurusan yang paling punya banyak program kerja selama periode jabatan; yaitu ada sekitar 11 proker. #proud

Oh iya, foto-fotonya emang blurry gakngerti kenapa HEHE
di candid sama Boim yang tugasnya nge-publish kegiatan2 BPHMJ Akuntansi, dan ini kayaknya gw lagi nanya sesuatu mengenai proker yang lagi dipresentasiin tp kenapa ekspresinya semangat bgt ya?
nah, kalo ini kesannya gw lagi berapi2 bgt ngejelasinnya padahal aslinya santai kok :(
Jujur walaupun udah terbiasa ngajar, tapi rasanya tetep deg-degan bangeeet! Suasananya beda banget karena ini rapat kerja yang sifatnya formal, dan disaksikan oleh orang-orang yang cakupan dan wawasannya luas, jadi setiap ngomong harus hati-hati daripada bikin blunder. Tapi, segala deg-degan, grogi, dan nervous-nya kebayar banget setelah Pak Nano memuji rencana proker yang gw presentasikan dan dia setuju dengan tema yang gw bawa—yang pada intinya, kenapa gw memilih untuk melakukan visit company ke salah satu KAP Big4 di Indonesia yang disertai dengan simulasi audit, adalah untuk mengeksplor dan mengimplementasikannya dengan cara terjun langsung ke dunia auditor. Untuk kepastian acaranya, nanti kalo udah terlaksana pasti akan gw tulis di sini.
sesi foto-foto bareng Pak Nano, ketua jurusan Akuntansi yang super humble dan FYI, iya ini fotonya gw crop HAHAHA aku memang egois <3
Doain ya mudah-mudahan lancar dan berjalan dengan sukses! Hihi

Monday, 15 January 2018

Her Perspective About Becoming Strangers (Again)

I think in life, we can never go back to become strangers with people that have seen our soul. Why? Because we learned the hard way that to let someone else see the real us, to unfold each and every part of us that is long hidden and kept behind the closed door, is not easy.

To me, opening up to someone is the most challenging thing to do. I don't trust people easily, 'though I can say that I'm an extrovert person. To start the conversations with someone new is never an issue to me, but to open up about everything that I've been trying so hard to hide—that is the trickiest part. Sometimes I just want people to see the bright side of me; the me who always smiles and laughs at everything even the lamest joke, and tend to hide the so-called 'dark' side; the me who stays up late at night, contemplating and wondering about life and the meaning of it. Why? Because just like every human beings, I'm also afraid of rejection. I'm afraid once people see me and not the one that I try to show the world, they will distance themselves because they'd think that the complexity of my thoughts is unbearable. Or they'd simply can't stand me.

That's why, once I let my guards off to a particular person, I don't think I can ever see them as strangers, not even close. In my case, this could happen with long-lost best friend, who is nowhere near at the moment. Maybe because they went study overseas so it's hard to communicate, maybe because they were busy with their current life, or maybe simply because we had a big fight and neither of us brave enough to apologize. This could also happen with particular old lover, whose face I barely remember since it's quite a long time since the last time we bumped into each other. But just like Chbosky wrote in his The Perks of Being a Wallflower (and you're listening to that song and that drive with the people you love most in this world. And in this moment I swear, we are infinite); no matter what happens next in the future, at that one brief moment, you and I both knew that we loved each other and that 'love' is not just wasteful words, and that for once in a long time, we finally trust another living being to see our soul; to see our broken dreams and hopes, to hear about stories we want to forget the most, to understand the depth of our soul.

So, can we really call these people strangers? Can we stare into their eyes long enough and not see the reflection of ourselves there, even just a glimpse? Can we talk to them casually as if they had never hear our loudest scream, never seen our most sorrowful tears? Can we ask them how they have been doing without the desire to ask whether or not they are happy with their lives now, or whether they have made peace with things they used to struggle the most?

I'll take no as the answer. No, I don't think we have the capacity to completely become strangers with people who have seen our soul. I think the only thing that we could do is pretending as if they have became one.

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