the most beautiful things in life are not things; they are people and places, memories and pictures. they are feelings and moments, smiles and laughter

Monday, 15 August 2016

Notes To Self: How I Want to Be Loved

"I remember when I was younger and I wanted to be beautiful; now I'm older and I want to be intelligent. I want to burn hearts with brilliance and engulf souls with compassion. I want to be loved and appreciated for my thoughts and nothing else."

Monday, 1 August 2016

Q-time with Bayni

Temenan sejak SMP, jarang bgt ketemu pas SMA, dan pas kuliah satu universitas, kebangetan kalo kita sampe jarang ketemu! Hahaha :P tapi akhirnyaaa setelah revisi tanggal dan jam dll-nya, hari ini ketemu juga sama Bayni (panggilan dari dulu, jangan tanya kenapa sok imut kayak gt).

Tempat nongki2 kami sudah bisa ditebak nggak jauh2 dari universitas tercinta, yaitu di Central Park Mall. Setelah muter2 ke H&M, Bershka, Zara, Mango, Stradivarius, Sephora (ya khasnya ciwi2 kl jalan deh pokoknya HEHE), akhirnya memutuskan untuk ngopi2 ajah dan ngobrol-ngobrol tentang banyak hal karena emang nggak seru kalo gak cerita langsung!
outfit kami entah knp bisa sama2 blue-ish dan garis2???
fav desert in this coffeeshop
our first selfie after a really long time
Pokoknya, yang terbaik untuk kita ber2. Cepet lulus ya!!!! Biar kalo gw sakit gampang dirawatnya hehe nyaw. BTW, I'm so lucky to have met you in the first time. Thank you for being there with me through every ups and downs <3

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