the most beautiful things in life are not things; they are people and places, memories and pictures. they are feelings and moments, smiles and laughter

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Short Getaway Part. 2

On our very short getaway, we decided to visit Floating Market and also Farmhouse Susu—luckily, both of them are located not too far away in Lembang, because my dad doesn't fond spending his time in Bandung if it wasn't for shopping spree (he can't stand the traffic, that's why).

My first impression when I first arrived in Floating Market was; the creator & investor's idea for this place is reallyyy brilliant. They got one way shopping and recreation place in one area, in which they sell and highlight the floating market itself, and moreover they also provide a lot more unique things other than the floating market (which isn't really floating anyway). There's more than meets the eyes! I genuinely say that I'll recommend these two places BUT please, visit them not on the holiday season because dang, there were so many people yet so little space.

Anyway, I simply love how they care a lot about the garden and environment!! <3

First, I'm gonna be sharing pictures in Floating Market. I personally think that someday when this place is keep on developing, it will become a big recreation park that may attracted massive tourists. Aside of floating market, there's also this long sidewalk into an indoor swimming park (and if you don't bring or forget to bring your swimsuit, they provide a place to rent some too!), and also Japanese and Korean parks where the visitors may rent the traditional outfits which are the Hanbok for Korean and Kimono for Japanese and took some photoshoots in the studio (as for this one, you can rent the traditional outfit for 75k / 2 hours and if you would love to have your photograph printed you need to pay 45k per one photo), there are also some clothing stores but frankly I don't get to visit one because I'm not into shopping that time. Uh-huh
my mum be posing when the sun is right on the top of my head 
real definition of sun-kissed. DANG IT'S HAWTtT
somehow looks like a Japanese garden idk from what perspective
the ticket is 20k each person + we'll get
a free cup of milk (or coffee, you choose!)
awkward pose because technically everyone is watching
sorry dad we're having selfies without ya
remember when I say the park is sooo shady!?
again, a shameless self potrait of mine
Don't forget to bring your camera with you while visiting this place because it looks like heaven for those who loves photography as much as I do! (ps: unfortunately I'm taking these pics using my phone)
remember there's this saying "like father like son"?
cuteee little thing! thinking of turning something in my house
to be like this but then well, ain't nobody got time for that

Also, don't worry if you're not a fan of food market, you can always eat at the restaurant near the entrance. Not only main dish, they also sell crunchy choco-banana crisps that are worth trying for with very reasonable prices. Go buy one! :D
they have aesthetic side too
I'm still a little daughter for her anyway
Next, our destination is Farmhouse Susu! It only took a couple of minutes because basically after going out from Floating Market, we just have to go down straight the road for about 3 kms if I wasn't mistaken and then there it is; the famous Farmhouse Susu!

The price of the ticket is the same, 20k / each person and we could get a cup of fresh milk in return (or a 20k voucher in the resto). There are two variants of milk; vanilla and chocolate. I'd prefer vanilla all the way when it comes to fresh milk. Nyaw! It's very tasty and the milk itself freshly taken from their own farm. For the street food to company the milk, they also provide sausages (I heard that 'Rumah Sosis' merged themselves with this Farmhouse Susu as well as with another tourist attractions, so I bet the reason why the sausages were delicious was because they came from their 'motherland'; Rumah Sosis).

Unfortunately, I did forget to mention, if you bring your own camera (aside of phone camera), you'll get charged for about 50k per camera, but I think it's totally worth it since there are so many picturesque corners and places here.
she looks very happy!

frankly, the place is soooo crowded
what's for lunch?
waiting for the food on one sunny afternoon be like:
behind of us there's this famous Hobbit House
What's interesting about Farmhouse Susu is, despite its very small space, is that it offers a beautiful scenery and architecture of the Europe old houses (more like French). They made the ambience there feels like the real Europe, with those street merchant selling fresh fruits, juices, flowers, milk, flower seeds, ice cream, coffeeshops, and even there's this bridge where we can put our lovelock there. Also, we can feed the little-cows with milk, sheeps with carrots, and see a mini bird park.

I'll make sure to be back again! :)

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Annyeong! (안녕)

Supeeeeer happy! Kemarin pas liburan, sempet nyobain Hanbok (한복), baju tradisionalnya orang Korea. Hanbok di Korea itu menurut Wikipedia, awal mulanya dipake di Dinasti Joseon (di era Goryeo juga pake Hanbok, cuma Hanbok yang masih bertahan sampe sekarang itu Hanbok dari era Joseon), bisa untuk formal kayak upacara kematian, pernikahan, dll-nya, ataupun bisa juga dipake sehari-hari, dan untuk menghadiri upacara dan festival-festival tradisional pada masanya.

Gara-gara kebanyakan nonton drama Korea, jadi obsessed banget sama segala sesuatu yang berhubungan sama Korea HAHA (kecuali Kpop dan Kim Jong-un, ew) btw ada drama kolosal judulnya Moon Lovers; Scarlet Heart Ryeo yang menginspirasi gw untuk akhirnya pake Hanbok ini hahaha! Nanti secepatnya gw bakal bikin post rekomendasi drama-drama korea yang oke banget tahun ini dan wajib ditonton. Who's excited?! *kemudian hening*
안녕하세요! :D
*salah posisi tangan, harusnya masuk ke dalam atasannya* 
ini sampe ganti sepatu segala loh HAHA totalitas bgt kan
FYI, pake Hanbok itu kayaknya emang cocok untuk musim dingin aja deh. Soalnya, bajunya berlapis-lapis, tebel, dan geraaah banget kalo dipake siang-siang apalagi di Indonesia yang musimnya berasa musim panas terus. Tapi tetep, seneng banget bisa pake Hanbok (semoga suatu hari bisa pake Hanbok di negara aslinya, aamiin) dan entah kenapa pas make itu kayak ngerasa jadi berwibawa aja :'D
thank you for making this happen, Mama!
my mum posing in front of some random Japanese ornament :'D
ini di dalem studio yang dipake untuk foto-foto Hanboknya!

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Short Getaway Part. 1

Edisi post liburan kali ini bukan ke tempat2 rekreasi, tapi seperti biasa I'd prefer sharing my lazy daysss at the hotel! Jadi, kemarin akhirnya memutuskan untuk stay di Aston Tropicana di Cihampelas karena hotel-hotel lain rata2 udah fully booked semua. Huh jadi nyesel nggak pesen di traveloka :(

Sebenernya kawasan Cihampelas terutama Ciwalk lumayan nyaman buat jalan2, wara-wiri sambil ngemil, TAPI masalahnya lagi ada pembangunan untuk LRT/MRT, jadi jalanan kotor parah dan berdebu, jadi nggak bisa jalan kaki deh di sepanjang Cihampelas dan kawasan2 lain yang lagi ada pembangunan (tenang, jalan Riau dan Dago nggak kok). Sejujurnya juga, emang lagi nggak pengen belanja-belinji sih... karena emang paling nyaman kalo untuk urusan itu di Jakarta hehe di Bandung maunya kabur aja dari kemacetan, polusi, dan udara yang kadang kalo panas bisa sampe panashhh banget!

Untuk kolam renang Aston itu termasuk indoor (eh tapi atapnya terbuka, jadi itu sebutannya outdoor atau indoor yah?!) jadi nggak berdebu dan tetep bisa santai-santai hihi. Untuk room rate-nya, kemarin entah kenapa bisa dapet best deal hahaha! Thank Godness dapet superior room dengan rate 1,5jt semalamnya (breakfast tetep cuma untuk 2 orang dan kenanya sekitar 150rb / orang). Happy holiday semuanya! :D
this corner looks veeeery very sophisticated and aesthetic
at the same time (how could that even possible)
reading his newspaper while waiting for the breakfast time
my happy ayah
he's stealing my coacccch! >;O
can you spot my dad & lil bruh?

sweet treats
sedang kesulitan memotong daging steak, dia memang payah
ronde 2! *drumrolls*
the view from my room
sebelum berenang dan jadi manusia ikan
Menu makanan sarapan paginya enak-enak bangeeet! Plus ada brownies panggangnya Primarasa HAHA iya, sesuka itu sampe hafal rasanya. Ada sushi, mini humberger, dan makanan-makanan gemay lainnya karena saya biasanya tidak makan makanan besar seperti nasi-nasian dkk. Pastanya juga enak2 yumm happy tummy happy me 

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Notes To Self: Who You Want To Be?

"Instead of asking yourself who you are—ask yourself who you want to be. The makeup of your character is not a puzzle with a set number of pieces. Every endeavour, adventure, challenge, and connection you experience over the course of your life weaves another thread into the tapestry of who you are. The work of self is never finished. You are a masterpiece in progress. 

Live boldly in the light of this, a life where every decision and action you take is made with the conscious intention of bettering yourself, your circumstances, or expanding your perspective in some way. 

Challenge yourself often, take greater risks, step out of your comfort zone, and avoid slipping into long, stagnant slumps. Remember that no matter the milestones you reach in life, you are never a completed project. The growing mustn’t stop simply because you have reached adulthood, established your career, fulfilled your dreams, or found your life partner. The soul is a rose that should bloom time and again over the span of a life, becoming more beautiful and intricate with every progression. 

Live like this—with a full, hungry heart, and a curiousness that cannot be extinguished. Practice self-reflection and tend to the hollow spaces in you where you find them. If you lack confidence, focus on your health and wellbeing, or develop new skills. If you feel flat and uninteresting, further your studies, or better yet, travel to far and foreign places. Expand your horizons and watch how the people flock to you. If you have emotional issues and trauma, reach out for help, search your own spirit, and heal at the root of the cause. Your flaws and shortcomings do not define you, they are just paths you haven’t explored yet. Anything can be mended or developed through focus and concentrated effort. 

Remember, it is the pursuit of happiness, not the seizing of it. A whole and happy life means routinely finding new things to chase and become. It is to look at this world with clear, open eyes and see just how much there is here to live for."

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Sweet Escape to PLM

Finally, here comes holidaaaay! ♥

Sejak semester 3, tepatnya sejak masuk Kelas Unggulan, kehidupan kampus rasanya jadi capek banget karena; 1.) tugasnya sangat tidak manusiawi, hampir semua kelas ada tugas + dosennya strict2 banget jadi nggak ada toleransi kalo gak ngumpulin tugas DAN ajaibnya, emang nggak ada yang gak ngumpulin huh, 2.) berhubung sks udah mulai 23, jadi kelas full sampe Jumat, dari pagi sampe sore. Bahkan ada jadwal lab sampe jam 9 malem! dan 3.) ada tugas akhir yang namanya modas (Module Assignment), sebagai pengganti UAS dan itu gila banget karena kayak bikin skripsi mini dan datanya bener2 harus sesuai, tepat, dan nggak ngada2, nanti dibikin jadi makalah dan di presentasiin di depan kelas. Huh!

Selesai ngeluh-ngeluhnya, sekarang mau kabur dulu dari hiruk pikuk Jakarta dan segala masalah-masalahnya. Ceritanya, lagi chatting sama sepupu di Palembang, namanya mbak Afi. Dia ngajakin liburan ke Palembang karena dia lagi dapet jatah libur panjang sebelum ke stase yang berat (dia lagi masa-masa co-ass, jadi pas dapet libur panjang seneng banget!). Ya udah deh iseng2 tanya ke mama, eh boleh! Mungkin mama kasian ya ngeliat gw nggak nyentuh mall atau tempat2 rekreasi selama satu semester kemarin HAHA. Akhirnya beli tiket PP, berangkat tanggal 18 dan stay di Palembang hampir semingguan.

Terakhir kali ke Palembang itu SMP, jadi udah lupa banget sama suasana dan jalan-jalan disana :"
Nah, tempat pertama yang gw kunjungi adalah Pulau Kemaro, aksesnya harus naik perahu kecil dulu dari BKB (Benteng Kuto Besak) terus nyebrang ke pulaunya. Kemarin kalo nggak salah sewa perahunya sekitar 250 ribu, dan selain ke Pulau Kemaro juga lumayan lama ngiterin Sungai Musi. Sayang aja airnya coklat dan keruh banget, katanya sih karena banyak emas dan tambang disana makanya warna airnya nggak bening.
lagi nunggu perahu kecilnya!
perahu nelayan yang ada di depan Pulau Kemaro
tempat makannya kurang di explore lagi, jadi cuma duduk2
sambil minum es kelapa dan makan pop mie aja disini
pintu masuk Pulau Kemaro yang (sayangnya lagi) kurang terawat
dapet gandengan baru HEHE
foto di depan pagoda, sayangnya nggak boleh masuk.
mungkin kalo buat ibadah ketika lagi ada acara aja kali yaa
di belakang pintu itu ada makam beserta dupa
Lanjut, hari berikutnya diajak untuk ngejemput Bude di Universitas Sriwijaya, dia abis ngajar di Politeknik. Nah, kebetulan banget Bude ngajakin makan pempek HEHE pokoknya selalu seneng deh kalo udah dibawa ke tempat makan. Nama tempat pempeknya lupa apa, tapi tempatnya nyaman banget dan pempeknya juga enak!

ke Palembang nggak sah kalo belum makan pempek! *lovestruck*
Hari ketiga di Palembang, akhirnya mbak Afi dan gw memutuskan untuk jadi turis di kota ini HAHA. Jadiii setelah liat2 di beberapa website reviewer, kami berniat untuk ke Forest Park Punti Kayu (kalo orang disini biasanya nyebutnya sih Taman Hutan aja). Di sini itu ada macem2, ada tempat hewan2 nya semacam kebun binatang tapi bukan untuk hewan2 yang buas, ada juga rekreasi mainan airnya. Tapi, berhubung kita nggak berniat buat keringetan2 banget, jadinya kita keliling aja disini dan liat-liat pemandangan sambil foto-foto di spot-spot yang Instagram-able :P
tiket masuknya sekitar 20rb per orang
with cadokku yang menemani selama di Palembang,
semoga cepet selesai co-ass nya mbak <3
Forest Park Punti Kayu adem banget karena banyak pohon pinusnya,
cocok buat piknik bareng keluarga!
pulang dari Forest Park, kita mampir ke food festival dan
beli jajanan lucu kayak Churros Red Velvet + Nutella ini ;P
Mumpung hari masih siang, akhirnya setelah ke Forest Park, mampir dulu ke riverside Sungai Musi HAHA. Rencananya sih mau ke museumnya juga, tapi berhubung lagi under maintentance, jadinya kita ngopi2 aja deh sambil foto-foto.
perfectly candid by mbak Afi HEHE *beneran candid*
sayangnya kalo siang nggak ada street food apa2 di sini,
jadi nggak bisa ngemil huhu
Setelah capek jalan-jalan, kebesokan harinya gw memilih untuk istirahat aja di rumah, ngobrol2 lucu dan nonton drama Korea sama mbak Afi (biar bisa fangirling bareng YAYYY). Lumayan, kita nonton Legend of The Blue Sea, Goblin dari episode awal, dan satu episode Moon Lovers; Scarlet Heart Ryeo. Sambil nonton, karena nggak ada yang bisa dikunyah, akhirnya kita bikin sushi deeeh! Yumm
bikin Sushi with my eonnieeee! (ps: kita berdua sama2 suka korea
jadi kerjaannya nonton drama korea aja sambil ngemilin sushi HAHA)
Sehari sebelum pulang ke Jakarta, paginya diajak berenang sama Bude di hotel yang lupa namanya apa, tapi di depan hotel itu ada jogging track. Jadi, Bude dan mbak Afi jogging disana, sedangkan gw dan sepupu2 kecil yang lainnya berenang ria. Sebelum menuju kesana, sempet dimampirin juga untuk makan Mie Celor yang lumayan terkenal di Palembang. Lengkap sudah wishlist-ku <3
nyobain Mie Celor 26 Ilir H. Syafe'i. enak banget!

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